Tim York

life, liberty, and the pursuit of Jesus

Seed planters

I am convinced now more than ever that the reason I am alive and still on this earth is because our God is an awesome God and also because from the time I was born people were praying over my life. Some people prayed specifically for me because they knew the situation I was in, while others who did not know me had an impact on my life that they may never realize. Some are prayer warriors and intercessors, some are evangelists and church planters but most are normal people who shake your hand, smile and say those simple words, “I am praying for you”.

Our purpose in this place is to pray for and love on folks. Sometimes it may be a tough love but it is not our job to convict (See John 16). There are certain things that we are commanded to do and it is not a long list. In Matthew 22 Jesus tells the people there are only two commandments and both of these commands contain the word love.

As you go about your day pray for everyone that comes to your mind. There are many examples in scripture of people who prayed constantly (1 Thessalonians 5 , 1 Samuel 12 , Colossians 1 ). In addition if you have the chance to speak with people first you should listen more than you speak and second when you do speak make it words that are uplifting and edifying. Plant those seeds. With time and the power of the Holy Spirit they will grow and flourish.

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